
Full picture of Global warming

When people think of global warming and who is guilty for it, they rapidly tend to look at big corporation industries, but these corporations are actually just providing a service to everyone. Although there are many green-movements against oil drilling, mining, and other supposed humans acts that are pointed as guilty for global warming, there is no actual evidence to support the accusations.

Scientist have not been able to prove that Global Warming (GW) has been caused by humanity, but they have been able to prove that GW is part of a 1,500 year cycle of warming and cooling of the earth, since scientist have found evidence on, and documented evidence in ice cores and ocean sediments going back a million years proving that GW is just a normal cycle that the world goes through (U.S. Government scientific report in May 2006). More information about evidence of humans not causing GW can be found on an article written in the Washington times (

The Greenpeace International address’ multiple issues which they think is part of GW and they present multiple solutions for GW, but knowing that there is no evidence of GW, why join the movement of this type of organizations? The answer to this is a personal and moral issue. Why? Because even though the world is going through a natural cycle, it does not mean humanity should continue to make this world a big dumpster.  This is humanity’s home; therefore more toxic pollution and nuclear power are not solution for a clean environment. One of the posts of the website title “No more deadly energy” discussing Chernobyl nuclear disaster that happened more than 25 years ago and they are still suffering the effects of it on the population.

In the state of Utah there are some industries that contribute to pollution, but they are not the only ones guilty of pollution because there has been an increase in the use of vehicles that cause more pollution than the industrial companies. GW is not the issue and the reason people should worry about pollution is not because of that reason, therefor people should worry about pollution because it would have an effect on people’s health in the future or even now.
The solution:
 According to Greenpeace one of the solutions is to “Make sure emissions peak in 2015 and decrease as rapidly as possible towards zero after that” to decrease the climate change, but this again is “false” because there is no evidence that humans are causing the climate change. Therefor the solution should not be focus on decreasing pollution to avoid GW, but rather to increase good living standards for humanity rather than making it an unhealthy place to live.
The solutions Greenpeace brigs to humanity are not to slowdown GW, but they should just focus telling the truth. Which is to increase human’s living standards, other than that, they have some interesting ideas like:
Protect tropical forests, replace dirty fossil fuel energy, reject false energy solutions like nuclear energy (when we could develop solar energy or wind energy), and degrease emissions.
Consider using recycles products, but the problem is that recycling products are more expensive than non-recycle product, which makes it almost impossible for individuals with low income to use those products so coming with more economical ways to provide this type of product should be included as one of their solutions.


  1. Well..... I think you have a point. GW it’s a natural cycle, but... one that’s not supposed to be happening that fast.... and we are all suffering the consequences.
    Also, thinking about the past, many things were not affordable for all the people, but by making them more common their price was reduce, and that is something that could happen to recycled products or organic food.

  2. I think recycling is a great thing that the would should do more often, the only problem is when a government tries to enforced but their methods are too inefficient when it comes to making it easier for everyone put it in practice(without sending someone to jail.)
